
30 January 2012

Asia's kittens

Monday 30 January 2012
The last kitten of Asia's litter has gone to his new home today - i hope he and his litter have wonderful long and happy lives. He was so full of himself - we may have called him "rat-bag" a few times but it was meant with a loving heart - we are missing him running around after us and are looking forward to the next litter of mischief makers ruling our lives. Trinity's Savannah kittens will be the next to run around in our kitchen. well - we say our kitchen, but who knows where they will end up. If we don't have visitors we will let them have the run of the place all day, if visitors turn up we lock them up to keep them safe. Trinity's boys have already found if they wait behind the door they can sneak through when we open it - such fun!
Holiday Home For Cats

29 January 2012

Twiggy update

Twiggy is doing well - ear mites cleaned out, and no fleas - worms seem to have now gone but we'll check that when we have her stools tested for parasites and bacteria. nose swabbed - bacteria found. Twiggy had nose drops and ronaxon tablets for the bacteria in her nose and will stay on ronaxon for a few weeks to clear out the bacteria.
her coat is looking so much better and she is putting on weight. She hates the rain, and hides inside next to her heater when it rains outside. Even when her food comes she won't come out if its raining. however, the minute we take her food into her bedroom she targets it immediately.

We hear Esmerelda is loved in her new home and is doing well - we've sent photos of her whilst she was with us at purebliss.

Stitch - our F1 girl that struggled with Clostridium after having her panacur is running around with Karma and doing well.

Dotty is doing well with her kittens and we can't make up our minds if to keep her brown boy or brown girl at purebliss.

Kitty loves her 2 Bengal babies and mum and babies are doing well, although her baby daughter is still small.

Trinity's Savannah babies are coming along great - they are a stunning litter of savannahs! they are due to go into the kitchen tomorrow to run round and start to meet people.

Tranquility's and Ku's Savannah babies are coming along great - mums and their kittens are doing well.
Holiday Home for Cats

20 January 2012

Twiggy update

we decided to call our little skinny "rescue" cat that Sheryl brought home for us Twiggy - she is very skinny with big eyes, and just adorable.
so far Twiggy has had a Drontal for her worms, Frontline for her fleas, ear mite control in her ears, and also some antibiotics for her crusty nose. she is going to the vet next week as we think she may be pregnant and she is far too thin and out of condition to have kittens.
Twiggy loves her wet food, and eats every little bit that she is given, although she doesn't seem too keen on her dry food.

Ku has had a wonderful litter of brown spotted Savannah kittens - 8 were born but one was dead - 7 still living although one of those is very small but we are topping her up to see if we can save her.

Kitty has had 2 stunning rosetted brown spotted kittens - one boy who is twice the size of the very beautiful girl.

Tranquility is fattening her babies up nicely, as is Dotty.

Holiday Home For Cats

15 January 2012

Tranquility babies

Sheryl kindly collected a Purebliss bengal girl for us that had been advertised on preloved - she is 6 1/2 years old and sold on active for £40 - i will update everyone as to how she comes along.

3 F1 Bengal pets were collected by our courier last night to fly out today - we had a phone call to say they were on their way this morning but i still couldn't sleep - not until i know they are at their new home safe and sound.
Tranquilities wonderful Savannah babies! All brown spotted - wonderful individual black spots! 4 girls and 2 boys! Good girl Tranquility! She is a very restless girl whilst she is giving birth but once her kittens all arrive she is an outstanding mum.

Ku is still holding onto her kittens in her belly but she is a very happy pregnant girl.

Kitty is still holding onto her kittens in her belly also, and she is also a very happy although a restless girl.

Frankie's girl are doing well - loving running around our kitchen with stitch who is the struggling F1 girl that had clostridium. Stitch is having prebiotics everyday, although she won't have it on her food we are giving her directly into her mouth by paste which she takes happily providing she has her treat of a chick afterwards.
Holiday Home For Cats

09 January 2012

surprise present

surprise present from Dotty this morning - a beautiful blue marbled female Bengal kitten - all cleaned and dry snuggling up with her two other kittens born last week. Dotty is so proud to show us and kept a close eye on her whilst we had a look to see what sex she was. Will need to contact TICA to see how we register this litter - do we make two litter registrations for different dates or use the last day of birth for the registration?

Photos to take today of Patti and some kittens - although its fun playing with the kittens trying to get the photos - it takes hours as I'm not very good and have to take hundreds to get a handful that are good enough for site. Try stopping kittens running up you when all you want to do is take photos of them playing individually.
registrations to apply for - not my favourite job. Emails to answer regarding kitten purchasers, and boarding cattery, and welfare issues.
People visiting Wendy and Patti, and Tia, and the black moggie we have available for adoption.
F1 generation kittens to massage - a lovely job but it takes such a long time and there just aren't enough hours in the day.
Holiday home for cats

08 January 2012

Saturday - just another day in the cattery

First job for me whilst Tim checks and feeds outside is to check and feed all kittens and mums in the house. Bicky's kittens going today - will be sad to see them go, although it will allow more room for kittens on the bed. Pedigrees to do, microchips to place - but no time - Tim will need to do that for the hand over for Bicky's kits. Our little girl who was neutered yesterday has taken her stitches out - a gaping hole in her side. I'll take this opportunity to have some kittens vaccinated that should have gone earlier in the week. Ring the vet, put her straight into the Jeep and away we go. An hour seems a long time when you are worried, although our little 12 week old Bengal girl couldn't care less. Alistair takes us straight in and takes a look inside to make sure there isn't any dirt or infection in there. He decides everything is OK and we decide to staple her wound this time - a brave little girl just looks up into my eyes as Alistair staples her wound. She then has a real good cuddle and everything is fine again. Kittens vaccinated, and all is well.
Once home Purrsona is back into her bed with a nice warm heat pad to curl up on. A raw chicken wing, and some cat tuna makes her feel much better, and with a full belly she goes to sleep.
Panic over, and back to work - paperwork to do, and F1 generation kittens to massage.
Another day of feeding, watering, and cleaning for Tim.
Then the usual suppertime check and feed, not forgetting to have a good feel of Tranquility - think she may have given us the 5 day warning - her kittens are getting ready to enter the world.
Check on Ku - no contractions but looking good - surely she can't be much longer.
Dotty is looking good with her gorgeous boy and girl, although she seems to have something else inside - maybe she has retained a placenta, or maybe we could be very lucky and have another kitten in there? i will check her again tomorrow morning as she seems happy enough and she doesn't have any discharge or discomfort.
The time has come to put Ruby and Tia for adoption - I booked them in for neutering whilst i was at the vets - it will be a sad day when they go to their new homes. Ruby and Tia gave us some outstanding F1 generation Bengal kittens with tiny ears, whited tummies, and Occelli on the backs of their ears from Bertie ALC, although we have their F2 generation bengal grandchildren to look forward to from Maddie and Rubicon - F2 generation snow bengals - wow - I can't wait!
Holiday Home For Cats

Friday - just another day at the cattery

First job into the Jeep with a gorgeous 12 weeks old female Bengal. Tim will look after all at the cattery whilst i have an hours drive to the vet to have the Bengal kitten neutered.
I have some shopping to do so i take this opportunity to do my shopping in Boston - then to the supermarket to do another shop there - a quick bite to eat and back to the vet to collect our little girl and take her home. The hour drive is good for her to curl up in her carrier on the front seat next to me - she couldn't get any closer without coming through the cage.
Home and tuck her up in bed with a heat pad in the kitchen whilst I look after the kittens and their mums. Let the F1 kittens out into the kitchen for a run with Frankie's girls.

Check on Tranquility - looks like she has some minor contractions - must keep an eye on her.

Everything is going well and all are happy and fed on our suppertime rounds.

04 January 2012

dotty kittens

Dotty stopped with her two gorgeous Bengal kittens - one boy and one girl - the boy may be staying with us at purebliss, we will run him on before making our decision.

Asia's Savannah kittens are doing well - the little boy and girl that were the smallest are now coming along fine.

Frankie's girls are looking really well - they are extremely well defined, and a wonderful texture to their fabulous rosetted coats - they have Frankie's strong skull, and lovely Bengal eyes.

Vicky and Katey have visited today along with our grandchildren so we have relied heavily on our wonderful helpers - Amelia and Pete - they have done a great job in cleaning out all our cats and also cleaned out thoroughly some of our boarding pens after cats have been collected.

our silver spotted Savannah kitten with the eye problem after getting something in it has now gone to his new home - we'll miss him and his loving and mischievous ways. I'm sure Regional Winner SGC Just Jack will miss him also as he looked after him at playtime.

Katey of DC Diagnostics today tested our little F1 generation girl that is struggling and has found her to have Clostridium so we can now give her something to combat that along with Prebiotic. Fingers crossed she will now pick up as she is so loving - me thinks she may be staying as our hearts have gone out to her.

the 3 boys that were castrated yesterday are eating well and show no signs of having had an anaesthetic.

Maddie(F1) and Rubicon (F1) are calling so will have to start keeping an eye on them to make sure they stay well and don't get too frustrated and upset as this can cause ill health in a Bengal.

Supper time for all cats and kittens - this means Tim and I visit each and every cat and kitten in our care to give them supper and check them over. Make sure their heaters are on, and they are settled and happy in bed.

Holiday Home For Cats

03 January 2012

vet visit

despite the winds and rain we still have the vet run to do. 2 early generation Bengal boys to have castrated, and a stunningly rosetted Bengal boy with fabulous nocturnal eyes to have castrated.
An hours drive there, and an hour back makes for a big chunk out of our day but well worth going to a veterinary practice that i know will take care of my kittens when they are neutered at 12 weeks old.
I arrive back to find Tim has delivered Dotty's first kitten - we now have one girl and one boy. She is still having contractions, and although i can feel a kitten inside I can't feel any movement so we'll have to see. Looks like it could be a long night finding out.

This afternoon I was busy hand feeding a couple of struggling kittens, feeding, watering and cleaning kittens and their mums. Also worming to be given to some kittens. Spot On to be given to studs.

now time for rounds to give supper to all boarding cats, and our own cats and kittens, and check that they are all OK.

As usual Tim has done a great job looking after the gorgeous cats spending their holidays with us at Holiday Home For Cats. Its such a joy to us when we see those familiar fury faces come back to see us.
Holiday Home For Cats

happy new year

Out with the old year and in with the new!


All of us here are looking forward to what 2012 brings.

our good wishes to everyone - jacky and tim.