
26 February 2006

Dinky babies

Lunchtime - Tim shouts for me to hurry up and I run upstairs.
There she is, a proud mum and she's done it so far all on her own, two babies, one marble and one spotted. Dinky is cleaning them like mad. I have a feel at her tummy, there's still some in there. I keep giving her back a rub and she starts pushing again, out another one comes, another marble, a lovely little girl. Dinky keeps pushing, she's not happy so I keep rubbing her tummy and back. Give her some reasurance and a bit of a scratch under her chin. She's pushing like mad and getting upset, so I pull her out of the kittening box and stretch her out in front of me on my cushion. That's it, one good push and a bit of a struggle and out pops the last one. We can see why she had trouble, all is not right with this little one, poor little spotted girl she's doesn't live, it's very sad when this happens. We help Dinky clean her other girls up and only let her eat two of the placenta's as these sometimes upset their tummies.
A very proud mum who shouts over to Dreamer to let her know what is happening. Dreamer comes over for a visit but we don't let her too close as it may upset Dinky. Dreamer has a good look at the kittens, then she goes over for the chicken treat we've put down for her.
Dinky doesn't have enough milk and so we take one of her kittens down for Bella to look after. Bella takes to the Brown Marbled girl and looks after her as if she is one of hers, lovely, saves us a job. Dinky is so proud of the two she has left she never noticed. We make up some Cimicat and just give them a little after a couple of hours, just to help out a little. Time to weigh them all.

Purebliss Arrakis - her first show

Saturday 25 February '06
5.30am - Tim's already up and getting things together, make sure we have everything we need for the show. Arrakis (Kis) has to be brushed, check her ears are clean, clean out any sleep from her eyes, make sure she has cleaned herself properly after visiting her litter tray. She has a drink of water and just a few bics, but no breakfast until she arrives at the show, there's a long journey ahead.
6.30am - Debbie turns in the drive and picks us both up and off we go, Debbie has her Birman with her today for showing.
We call in on the way to pick up two Birman cats belonging to someone who can't manage to get there today, it's a shame for her cats not to go, so we will take them and look after them today.
Next call at Melton to pick up Gina and her cat, another Birman. Looks like we are well and truly out numbered today, 4 Birmans and 1 Bengal kitten.
Lovely show, good to meet up with friends and see all the cats and kittens. It's lovely to see kittens seen in previous shows are growing into beautiful adults.
Kiss is lovely in vetting in, although very quiet. She didn't travel too well, emptied her bowels and didn't feel well enough to clean herself.
Cleaned Kiss up and gave her a good cuddle. Set up her pen and gave her another cuddle.
Kiss settled down in her pen and I went to have a look how Gina and Debbies cats are doing.
Gave Kiss another good cuddle, lifted her up above the pens so she could have a good look around to help settle any fears she may have, after all, it's her first show and we want her to enjoy her day.
10am - we all get asked to leave for judging of the open classes to take place. We all go for our breakfast and it's our chance to look at the catalogue to see who else has been entered, if we haven't already recognised them, or if there are some new cats we haven't seen before.
12.30pm - we are now allowed back with our cats/kittens. Straight to Kis to see how she is. Give her a cuddle and make sure she's settled and give her a little lunch. Although she seems quiet, she seems to be taking it in her stride.
Results are up - Kis has her first in her Open class and Best of Breed. She gets second in a side class. Nothing in the other two classes, but when you consider one has 14 entered and the other has12 entered she's done OK.
Long day and glad to be on our way home. Both Kis and myself had an enjoyable day.

22 February 2006

Cat Rescue Meeting

Monday 6pm
We all arrive at Lynn's to start our meeting. Lynn has kindly provided tea, coffee and bics, cakes. 9 volunteers in all, ready to take on all our jobs. There's a lot to do, even though we have been involved with cat rescue (mainly in the Grantham area) since 1997, we have never been a registered charity and therefore only been able to do as much as we could afford. Therefore 9 of us have got together and we are going for charity status. Our cats around Lincolnshire are in need of help. It may be due to a change in circumstances, or maybe just unwanted, maybe unloved or maybe gone astray, kittens born in freedom, and of course their mums, they all need help from someone and we would like to be that someone.
There will be adverts going in local newspapers and parrish news mags, so keep an eye out and if you live in our area, come and be a volunteer. Even if you only have an hour or two occasionally your help will be apreciated. We need donations of old bedding, towels, cat food anything you can spare will help us become more established. If you are able to foster a cat for us then give us a call. I will shortly be putting a phone number on our blog for you to ring but meanwhile I am happy to take your calls.
Meanwhile, we have taken in our first official cat as our new group, his name is JoJo.
JoJo has come to us after a house fire. His owner, a young lady from our area, was brought out by a fireman only to realise that JoJo was still inside. Anna ran back inside to rescue him, both JoJo and Anna servived the fire, although, due to going back in for JoJo, Anna received some burns that had to be treated. So don't think for one moment that Anna doesn't care, she cares deeply about JoJo. Due to her new circumstances, Anna is unable to keep JoJo and has decided it would be best for him to find a new, loving home.
I will keep you up to date on what happens, as it happens. Our next meeting is on 9 March when we will have more news about our move towards charity status.
speak soon

13 February 2006


5.30am: Up and about. Feed the kittens and pregnant girls inside, leave the other cats for Vicky to feed when she opens at 8am. Brush The Prophet and decide he will need some more brushing at the show. His mind has been on the girls too much and we notice he has lost some weight and condition. Still, he is enjoying the attention and he is more than happy to roll about on his back in his carrier in anticipation of the show. Brush Starynight, he is such a sweet little kitten, we place him in his kitten shoulder carrier and he keeps pushing towards us for another cuddle. Make sure we have everything, drapes, vaccination details, food, water, litter, toys, trays, dishes and "show whites" for Claire and Rob to borrow, last but certainly not least our boys. Claire and Rob adopted a pet silver boy from us along with his sister (Starynight is their brother) and they have decided to take him to the show today.
8.20am: Arrive at the show, get everything out and stand in the vetting in que. Claire and Rob are further down in vetting in, so we are able to pass them their items for penning Silver Twilight (Obi). Can't wait to see how he's grown. Through Vetting in and everything is OK. On to the pens, The Prophet (Prof) and Starynight (Night) are next to each other as requested, Obi is penned oposite. Next job - set up the pens and settle the boys in.
Good chance to catch up with Obi and his sister Nala. He's grown into a lovely boy, nice type, gentle behaviour and beautiful spots. Obi did well for his first show as he was adopted as a pet by Claire and Rob. Obi achieved two seconds in colour with two seconds in Division. He also achieved thirds with other judges. You must remember that everyone entering a cat show is expected to be of a very high standard and there were many dissapointed owners but many very pleased owners of winners. Night, Obi's brother that we took on exhibition had lots of attention with lots of cuddles and seemed to enjoy himself and so we will show him at the next TICA show we take him to. The Prophet acheived a first, second, third etc of colour. He was placed under every judge and he acheived places in two Divisions. Taking into account his poor condition and loss of weight (due to listening to the girls calling), I think he did well. Working boys can sometimes go out of condition, they don't always think of eating when their mind is on their possible girlfriends.
A lovely friendly show with lots of beautiful cats and kittens. A good day for us all and a chance to meet up with friends we don't often see.

09 February 2006

Bella feeds her kittens

Friday 10 February
7.30am - I take a look in at Bella and her kittens. YES!!! She has all three curled up with her. She looks up at me, very proud and full of love in her eyes, she gently curls her paw around one of her kittens and pulls it even closer. I stretch out my hand to her chin and she lays her head sideways onto my hand and closes her eyes. She's lovely! After a few minutes I pull my hand gently away, she looks up at me, then curls herself around her babies and closes her eyes.
I'm going down to simmer her a little fresh chicken in a drop of water, I'll serve it just warm, she'll like that.
Many thanks to Tim for his night work, he let me sleep most of the time through the last two nights whilst he looked after Bella and her kittens.
You've done well Bella!
See photos of Bella and her kittens on the Nursery and News pages of our web site.

Bella's feeling better

Thursday 9 Feb
10am feed and the kittens are taking between 2 and 3ml happily. We place them back on their hot water bottle after wiping them with their mothers scent. Bella decides she is feeling a little happier with them and takes one to clean, she is obviously enjoying her contact with her new baby and when her kitten starts to suckle she closes her eyes and lays back contented. One down two to go!
12 noon - I spoke too soon. I look in to see if they are with their mother or not. No, they are not, although she has put the little one she was feeding earlier back with her other kittens on their hot water bottle. So we feed them all and then place them back on a warm hot water bottle near their mum. We continue with two hourly feeds until 10pm. After then we go to three hrly feeds for the night, I have to say Tim is doing great, as I am still recovering from the accident.
They are all doing well, we'll keep trying for Bella to take to her kittens. I'm sure she will when she feels better.


Wednesday 8 February:
Was it 4.30 or 5.30pm I forget now, it seems so long ago? We already had everything ready to go with us to the vets including carriers, hot water bottles, covers, towels. She finally started properly with a discharge. We rang the vet to organise her going in and off we went on yet another journey for Bellissima and her kittens.
Arrive at the vets and they start work quickly on Bella. Examination and then straight under anesthetic for her Cesearian section. Four wonderful kittens were born but despite great efforts of a wonderful vet nurse, the largest boy who we named at birth "kick Start" didn't make it. We brought home, healthy and kicking, 2 female and 1 male kittens and a very tired mum. My daughter, Vicky drove whilst I kept an eye on mum and her babies on the back seat. I rang ahead to Tim for him to prepare their bedroom in ours, make sure it was fitted out correctly and nice and warm. Bella is very tired and not too happy about having her kittens yet, so we start to help. Mother's replacement milk especially for kittens had to be prepared. The right temp? - Yes! - a small syringe (minus needle of course). Gently taking each kitten, one at a time, weighing and gently allowing them to take 1ml of liquid. Gently rubbing each one with their mother's scent and placing them back on their hot water bottle (with fleece cover) near their mum. Not putting them into her tummy yet as she wasn't very happy with them yet.
2 hrs later: we are up again helping out again, this time they take a little more liquid, they are all doing well, including mum, although, she still is feeling tender and so we give her some attention and place kittens back on a nice warm hot water bottle after wiping them all with their mothers scent. We keep this up all night, mainly Tim as I'm not too good after the accident on the way home from the vets on the A1.

07 February 2006

Bellissima (Bella)

Monday 6 February:
Yesterday Bellissima's kittens in her tummy went very quiet and Bella became very quiet during the night - not happy at all! Checked her this morning, she's happy enough this morning but can't hear anything regarding movement of the kittens, stethoscope out, can't hear anthing except a few bubbles and of course Bella's heart. Bundled her into the vehicle, straight to the vet's, an hours journey. Micheal and new girl (don't know her name yet) were wonderful, scanned her straight away. Three strong heartbeats! Wonderful! Bella's last pregnancy ended in a cesarian so we don't want to take any risks.
10pm: Bella came to me - "oh mum", she says, "it's happening again". The contractions start again and carry on all night, not strong enough to worry but just strong enough to keep me awake. Bella lays on her back needing her tummy rubbing, maybe she just likes her tummy rubbing.
Tuesday 7 February:
Finally get off to sleep about 5am this morning.
7.30am: Woken up by Bella tearing around the room at full speed, playing with her favourite toy mouse and a couple of balls. Not a care about the lack of sleep I've had looking after her all night. Still, she's happy, what more can we ask - kittens please before tonight? It's as if she knew it was time we would normally be up and about.
Alister (our usual vet) was kind enough to ring to see if everything was OK, we had a chat about her which again reassured me.
All day we kept checking on her, not a sign of contractions.
4.30pm: Here we go again, she's having mild contractions again, no discharge though so I'll get on with organising the fresh chicken for the cats dinner (served warm in it's juices), they love it.
5.10pm: Tim (my other half) is feeding round in the cattery at the moment then he is making dinner for us to have upstairs with Bella, so that we can stay with her and stop her becoming upset. Tim says he doesn't mind doing the last check on his own also so that I can stay with Bella. I'm going up to keep her company now, I'll probably put on a video to pass the time in between contractions.
Wednesday 8 February:
am - Still no joy! Place Bella in a carrier and take her for another scan - make sure the kittens have all got a strong heartbeat. Yes, 3 kittens all doing well in Bella's tummy. Take her back home and wait for stronger contractions.
pm - visit from someone who has one of our girls. A lovely brown marbled girl who will probably have kittens when she is a little older. It is always good to see photo's of our kittens and cats in their homes, happy lives, great!

04 February 2006

False alarm

Friday 6pm:
Bellissima has been having mild contractions, she will be a little early as she shouldn't be due for a few days yet. Although Tasha always used to go 60 days until she had her babies it's much preferred if they go nearer the accepted 65 days. Kept checking on her all evening. Tim did our last check around the cattery and garden before bed and I stayed with Bellissima in our bedroom. She was very unsettled and still have the occasional contraction, still only mild.
Bellissima curled up in bed with me. She is still have the occasional mild contractions, every contraction is accompanied with her wrapping her legs around my arms.
Saturday 1am:
I awoke to Bellissima growling, yes definately a stronger contraction. She decided she needed better cuddles and wrapped herself around me. I drifted in and out of sleep, as she asked for comfort with only mild contractions, spaced well apart, for the next couple of hrs.
I think this must have been her last contraction, as after this she allowed me to sleep well until I awoke at 6.30am to get up for work.
Bellissima has now decided to wait a little longer. No contractions. The kittens inside are still gently active. Bellissima is enjoying not having contractions and is even chaseing her favourite toy mouse. Looks like she may go her full time after all. Hope I get more sleep tonight.
speak soon

Broken Arrow (F3)

Many thanks to Gail and Clive for their comments on our blog (1 Feb) regarding Ben. Ben is an F3 Brown Spotted Bengal that Gail and Clive adopted from us. It is so nice to hear from people who have taken early generation kittens as pets and are happy to let everyone know how loving they are. They make wonderful pets to the right people. Don't misunderstand me, and I'm sure Gail and Clive will agree, the early generation kittens/cats are different. They are strong willed and have so much energy. You have to be prepared to have contact with them and make them part of your family. If they know they are loved member of your family you will receive lots of love and entertainment in return. Maybe Gail and Clive will post more information about Ben (Broken Arrow) on our blog.
There is too much rubbish said of early generation cats, usually bad behaviour in any animal is because of bad handling. Just because an animal shouts or swears at you doesn't mean they are going to attack. They may be asking for you to do something or even telling you of something that has happened to them. Just because a Bengal has it's origins in a wild animal doesn't mean that a Bengal will attack. I've run a boarding cattery since 1997. I've rescued and treated (along with help and advise from vets) ferrel type cats. I now show and breed Bengal cats, including early generations. I have never had a scratch nip or bite from an early generation cat. I have had too many bites and very deep scratches (we won't even mention nips) to mention from boarding cats including other pedigree cats. Having said this, it really doesn't bother me and it goes with the territory as I don't believe in wearing gloves to handle cats.Our policy is: NEVER RAISE A VOICE OR HAND TO A CAT!I would like to mention at this stage that I've just heard from the Bengal Cat Club that the Bengal cats still haven't had a bite certificate placed against them at show under GCCF rules in this country.
Speak soon

01 February 2006

Web Corruption

3 February 2006
We have had some problems with our web site and so I must apologise to you. We picked up some viruses that underlined words and when anyone clicked onto them they took you through to an advert. I have to say, some of the adverts weren't very tasteful. Not to worry now, it's all sorted, Tim (my other half) found and deleted them and it's nearly all back to normal. Unfortunately, some damage has been done to corrupt some of our files but this will soon be back to normal, we seem to also have lost some photos, but they will be somewhere on our computer, it's just a matter of finding them and putting them back in place.
The trouble is, with people such as ourselves who are not experienced computer users, this all takes such a long time to put right, but we keep at it and are improving all the time.
Apologies to anyone who clicked onto an advert unsuitable, but they are now deleted.
speak soon.

The Sale of 2 Bengals

AM: A phone call from a lady asking about Bengals. We have a nice chat about her cats and what she is looking for, how she will look after the bengals and what will happen when she goes to work.
lunch: Another phone call from the lady (lets call her lou) asking about our Bengals, she has been on our website and would like to come for a cuddle and a chat. The question is asked if she likes what she sees could she take one home with her. I said that providing Lou, myself and the kitten chosen were all happy she could. Unfortunately, Lou wouldn't be able to pay by cheque but we do take plastic as well as cash, although Lou was already prepared for this.
PM: Lou, her partner and child arrive. I take them to see mums, dads and neuters first. Then we have a look at the kittens available and some I may be keeping. We speak about if Lou intends showing or not. Lou has already said she has no intention of breeding so we need to match up personalities. Lou chooses a real softie, a silver spotted girl with a very soft nature, ideal as a pet. Lou has been talking about a playmate but she's not sure about having 2 kittens. We take another look at a neutered boy we have who is also a real softie, and decides she would like him also to keep the silver girl company whilst she is at work.
Then down to the paperwork. Letter of information about the kittens food. Inoculation cards to hand over. The insurance to sort out. The pedigrees to sort out. The contracts to sort out to ensure that 5 mths or 5 years time, if they cannot keep the cats, they don't take them to a rescue centre, they bring them back to me and I will find them a good home. Then there is the kitten packs to organise, putting the food together along with the biscuit tin and toy and booklet on bringing a kitten into your home. This all takes a good deal of time, but it is an essential part of buying a Bengal from me. We take the time to talk things through about feed times, the kitten has been fed 4 times daily but now can change to 3 times daily. We advise for them to be kept on the food they are used to eating. We explain about addatives in food and that Bengals prefer no addatives or as few as possible. We also show exactly how much to feed at one mealtime. Their claws are trimmed to help prevent any scratches whilst the kitten and cat are settling into their new homes and then our goodbyes are said and they are placed in their carriers and off they go to their new homes. Everyone promises to keep in touch, we do mean it when we say "any questions at all, please ask".
Have a good life both of you I'm as sure as possible that you will be happy or you wouldn't have gone.
Speak soon

Tim's Birthday - 1 February '06

AM: I remebered his birthday card and a pressy. An improvement on our aniversary. He was very pleased with his VERY LARGE alarm clock. Vicky has the day off today, so it's all hand to the deck for Tim and myself in the cattery. Tim is doing all the litters and cleaning today and I'm feeding and watering all cats, not to mention the odd cuddle or two.
Only a couple of new boarding cats coming in today, their pens where set up yesterday in anticipation. One departure, invoice already made out, only last details of am or pm left to fill in.
Luchtime: Bella (Bellissima) becoming a little restless, needing more cuddles than normal, she must be feeling nearer to giving birth.
PM: Tim is putting the finishing touches to the new safetly area for the Bengal house. Vicky is going to pick up her new(used) car. That should save me some petrol!
Spending the afternoon giving all the cats and kittens lots of attention, what a lovely job!
speak soon