
27 December 2005

Tuesday 27 December '05

Hello Everyone
Hope you all had a good Christmas and wish you all a Happy New Year!
My day in the cattery started after feeding the kittens and cats in the house.
First intake of the day. Shortly after the first departures (2 of my Bengals came for their hols - lovely to see how happy they are).
I then fed all the boarding cats and Bengals in the cattery with their preference of meat, fish or complete. All the water had to by renewed as usual every day.
Feeling the chill by now, snow on the ground and flakes coming down - time I think for a warm drink and mince pie. Vicky and Katey(our daughters) making the tea and coffee.
Owners keep calling by to pick up their cats, or drop them off for their holidays with us.
12 noon
Feed the kittens - 6 Snow Bengals, 4 Silver Bengals, Bellissima and her kitten, Lana's boy and a private boarding kitten. Plus 3 elderly boarding cats.
Time for a drink and a bite to eat. Nice to get warm.
Owners still dropping by, both intakes and departures.
A quick drink then time to take Pip home. 25 minutes for a drive that normally takes 15 mins (traffic due to the sales). Pip home safe and sound, owner and cat both happy to see each other after their hols.
It must have been aprox. 3pm - broke down in my vehicle. Let it drift to a stand outside a Texaco garage at Foston on the A1. Walked into the garage shop and asked ARUNAS (a pleasant looking young man) if there was a pay phone or I could pay to use his phone as I had broken down outside. His answer was abrupt and simple - NO! No discussion, but very firm - NO! I asked him if there was anywhere else near, his answer was made very clear to me - NO!

There is a Little Chef on the A1 next to the garage so I thought I would try there. I asked MARIE (a pleasant looking young lady) if there was a phone I could use as I was on my own and broken down outside the petrol station. Her answer was a little more complex - NO! but there is a public phone in the middle of Foston village. I asked if she referred to over both carridgeways of the A1? she answered - Yes! This was a busy afternoon and the A1 was very busy without a crossing.
I was lucky, a kind lady overherd and allowed me to use her mobile. I was able to call my husband and arrange for Katey, my daughter to pick me up.
I went back to the Texaco garage for ARUNAS's name, which he covered up with his hand, but I had already seen it.
I went back to the Little Chef to get MARIE's name. She said it was not their policy to use their phone for anyone except in an emergency and mine was not an emergency. I wonder if she will feel the same if it should happen to her.
I arrived home and rang the police to inform them of the position of my vehicle as it had to be left at the side of the A1. By this time it was about 4pm and I was very miserable.
The last boarders came in at about 4.30pm.
What I need is a good cuddle with a few cats to make me feel better. Then I will feed for the night.
Full again apart from two pens ready set up for tomorrow mornings intakes.
A cold dinner tonight - left over turkey - I love it with some cranberry sauce.
I'll try to get Vicky or Tim to write a blog of their day with the cats.
My Good wishes to everyone!

24 December 2005

Happy Christmas from Purebliss Bengals

Hi I've finally found out how to do this!
It's the eve of Christmas and we are franticaly trying to find time to fit everything in so I promise to up date this blog shortly!
Speak to you all soon.
Merry Christmas!

18 December 2005


Hello and welcome to my first post in my brand new blog!

I am very new to all this but hope over time to give you an insight into my love of Bengal cats.

Please come back to see how I am getting on!
