
01 October 2009


A film crew was at purebliss for the BBC - the one show, they were very pleasant and it was a pleasure to have them here. The 3 and half minutes that was talked of was reduced to about a minute and it was mentioned - too much information and too much detail, too complicated. What went out on TV wasn't quite what was expected - they put their own spin on it to say the least - as media often do.
They were good enough to point out that there has never been an incident with a Savannah. They also showed my interview stating my trust in my cats and kittens with my grandchild and children. Lets face it, we allow our kittens to go to families with children, and if we can't trust our cats and kittens with our own family we have no right letting them go to other families.
I thought I would remember to be more basic for the next interview.

An interview took place at Purebliss for the Daily Mail. Victoria was a pleasure to have here. All the cats and kittens were frightened of the photographer, so that didn't help us at all. Although the article in the Daily Mail started well, it went down hill with Victoria's description of Ecstasy when he struggled to get out of her arms when the cameraman came close - anyone that knows Ecstasy knows what a lovely nature this boys has and he doesn't have any larger jaws than any other male cat.
I thought I would remember for the next interview that was arranged how these people love to put their own spin on everything. How silly articles read when you were there at the interview.

Having had such good interviews with Fred for animal planet, i wrongly expected to see the good in the media.

30 September '09 - Next came Emma for Hull Look North, a pleasure to have at Purebliss. Emma said she wanted to show the cats as they really are, both Savannahs and Bengals. Emma suggested right at the start to keep it as simple as possible for their viewers that don't know anything about the terms used or breeding programmes. Although i could have been better myself, I'm told this was the best representation for the Savannah, although i didn't get to see it myself, i'm told by some that i know, Look North tried not to be misleading and were honest in their approach, although their cutting did make it come over a little strange mix of bengals and savannahs.

Many thanks to all of you that supported me in this difficult task. and to you who came down against me - well at least we now have some of the public seeing the Savannah size instead of this inflated picture of them being like an F1 (serval to domestic outcross).