
30 March 2011


6am - zaynar had her first kitten - a gorgeous blue spotted boy. 9am - we delivered zaynars second kitten - a gorgeous blue spotted boy. it was about 11am when we were making the decision to ring the vet to arrange a section - zaynar collapsed in a heap - very tired, and bleeding quite a lot from her rear. By the time we had found a vet suitable to carry out a section and arranged to go, and replaced the phone, zaynar suddenly stood up and pushed with all her might - out popped a deformed kitten mix placenta - this was obviously were the blood was coming from. we quickly rang the vet and cancelled our emergency. then we waited, and we waited, and we waited. Zaynar laid on a fluffy blanket on my knee for lunchtime, and most of the afternoon. 4pm - zaynar had another kitten but this time it was dead, and showed signs of having been dead for some time. This is the sad part of breeding when things go wrong. Zaynar is very tired but happy to cuddle up to us and have a rest. we now wait for the next kitten. Some cats take longer than others to deliver their kittens and when they have dead kittens inside, the queens loose some of the urge to push out kittens, so it takes time and patience, and lots of love and care to get them through it. We cuddled zaynar for the next few hours and she delivered a lovely blue spotted boy, but she was very tired, and couldn't deliver the placenta. We decided a "c section was neccessary as she found this last kitten nearly immpossible to deliver, and there was obviously something left in her as well as the placenta from the last kitten. The vets were very good and whilst carrying out the "C Section" they also neutered her. Zaynar will now live her life as a much loved pet. Jacky http://www.pureblissbengals.co.uk/ http://www.pureblisssavannahs.co.uk/

29 March 2011

Tuesday - everything is flowing along nicely - kittens and mums all doing well. Zaynar is feeling her time is near and keeps calling me over. She just wants her belly rubbed as she lays on her back. Having great cuddles with Penelope as her time draws closer. As always she is like a rugby ball, she puts both paws up - one on each shoulder and she cuddles and rubs. She just cannot stay still and her love doesn't go unappreciated. Taking lots of photos of kittens today - Glad Rags kits, Esmereldas kits, Enchantments kits. Glad Rags kittens, and Enchantments kittens are all tucking into their sloppy cooked chicken - they love it. They are 4 weeks old and mum is teaching them to use their litter trays. Jacky www.pureblissbengals.co.uk www.pureblisssavannahs.co.uk

28 March 2011

brigg show

had a fabulous weekend at the Brigg TICA show. Saturday. My daughter Katey, ran Just Jack of Purebliss on 26th March and supremed him in Pascal Remy's ring as Best Household Pet. Jack finalled in all 5 rings on the Saturday, and he was up against some gorgeous household pets with fabulous temperaments, and personalities and that's what a household pet is all about - loving, playful, friendly natures with wonderful personalities. The judges are lovely with our household pets and handle them with great care and understanding. As many of you know, Jack is shown as a household pet due to his brain damage, so he can be a little wobbly at times, but the judges take good care of him when judging. Also, the other household pet owners have welcomed Jack, Katey and me with open hearts and into their world of showing household pets and i can honestly say its a real pleasure to be with them. GC Purebliss Pleasuredome (aka Frankie) finalled in 4 out of the 5 rings on Saturday making him a Double Grand Champion. we met up with some good friends as we always do at these fabulous TICA shows, and also made new friends. Sunday Jack was finalled in all 5 rings again - its such a shame when the household pets have to be knocked out and not finalled, but we can't help being proud of Jack. Frankie finalled in 4 out of 5 rings again, and although Genevieve didn't final him she did give him 2nd Best of Breed. We were honoured that sue gave Frankie her Best Shorthair Cat award in her solo ring. Sunday Evening Tally started contractions - Tally is Chris and Wendy's girl from poshpaws - staying with us whilst Chris and Wendy's grandson grows a little. Although Tally was a wonderful mum, she didn't break the first bag so it meant i couldn't leave her. Best thing was to take her up to bed, so she joined me for the night in bed along with the TV. She was wonderful if not a little too fond of waking me up if i dare fall asleep for a second. Tally had her last kitten about 4am this morning. 2 snow spotted, 1 silver spotted, and 1 brown spotted Bengal kitten - all gorgeous healthy kittens all at their mothers milk bar. Tally is a wonderful mum and piles them all up in the corner of her birthing box when she leaves them - not a sound is heard from her contented kittens. Another sleepless night, but well worth it. Jacky http://www.pureblissbengals.co.uk/ http://www.pureblisssavannahs.co.uk/

23 March 2011


What excitement we have at Purebliss!
Alca - our ALC is pregnant! This will be Alca's first litter of F1 Bengals, in fact these will be the first F1 kittens born at Purebliss.

Purebliss have a waiting list for F1 pet males, and also females for breeding with, although there will always be Bertie's kittens with Tia (rosetted brown spotted), and Ruby (seal spotted lynx).



sleepless night for me and Tim last night with panashe and her kittens but well worth it when you see them all curled up together this morning.
2 boys and 2 girls with stunning rosetting already showing.

Giving extra cuddles to Sandy (brown bengal female) - thinking she would be ideal to team up with FrankieF2 ready for when Val leaves her. FrankieF2 will miss Val so much when she leaves us that we fear she may fret so if we can team her up with Sandy who is desperately looking for a team mate, and we can do this before Val leaves us this will make life much easier for FrankieF2.
Sandy is responding so well to all the cuddles she is getting, but she didn't like Valour at all, so we will have to think about bringing Valour into the conservatory to mate her next time she comes into call.
Must get some photos taken for our site.

Starting Enchantments and Sonics kittens on sloppy cooked chicken today - they are so ready. Sonic is having difficulties keeping her kittens in their birthing box and keeps having to go and bring them back. Sonic is so gentle when she takes their full heads into her mouth to bring them back. You never hear a cross word from her - she loves her babies so much and you can see the panic in her face when she is racing after them.

Tim made the birthing boxes for Zaynar, and Kelpie (must get some photos of Kelpie for our queens page). More birthing boxes for Chris and Wendy's Tally and Hello Kittie ready for their births - hope its not tonight!



things are progressing well with FrankieF2 and her pregnancy. She is now relaxed and hasn't had discharge for a couple of day - so fingers crossed everything is going to be OK. We will need to keep our eye on her. She is enjoying mothering Val who is a seal marbled lynx girl waiting to go to Theresa.

Its been a very busy week this week so far:

Carol and her daughter Katy came down from Scotland for a flying visit to take back a very pregnant girl of Katy's - SGC Purebliss Glacier did his usual fine job.
Carol and Katy left one of their stunning rosetted brown spotted girls to visit QGC Purebliss Valour.
Hospital visit for me the rest of the day.

Monday night:
Up all night with Dotty in Labour - we are looking after Dotty for Chris and wendy of poshpaws at the present time.

Dotty has had two gorgeous healthy Bengal babies. Her last kitten came out this morning but unfortunately he didn't make it. A huge boy but it just took too long to get him out, and he was dead before he got to us.

Visitors today looking at Savannah kittens.
Lots of telephone enquires and email enquires to answer.

Tuesday night:
another sleepless night - Panashe had her first litter to Frankie - 4 stunning kittens born.
I really will have to have some sleep soon.


19 March 2011

Frankie F2

Frankie was very stressy this morning - no idea what was worrying her but she worries about nothing sometimes.
usual looking after kittens and their mums for me, and then some pen cleaning this afternoon.
Kept looking in on Frankie - she spends her days in our kitchen with Valkyrie, now Valporessa (snow marbled girl going to Theresa for showing next month).
Frankie is having discharge now along with minor contractions - far too early for her to have her Bengal babies - its so sad.
I'm going to spend the rest of the evening and night with her so bye for now.

16 March 2011


we are in amongst it all at Purebliss - lots of kittens born and we are loving every minute of it.

Esmerelda's kittens are coming along nicely and Sharon is having Esmerelda's female lynx - that leaves a rosetted mink spotted female, and 2 mink spotted males - one of these boys especially has gorgeous pearl dusting on his gorgeous rosetting.

Enchantments kittens are coming along nicely - one of her females is reserved for breeding leaving 2 gorgeous rosetted brown spotted boys with lots of glitter, and 2 stunning girls with lots of glitter over their lovely rosetted brown spots.

Glad Rags girl is gorgeous and would make a wonderful addition to a family, not to mention her stunning boys with their glitter sprinkled over their wonderful rosetted brown spots - what stunning pet these boys would make.

Sonic still has her savannah girl available, although we've decided to keep her fabulous snow savannah male kitten here at purebliss.

we only have one snow spotted savannah outcross kitten left available for reservation now, what a stunning litter this is.

we collected 3 pregnant girls from good friends over the weekend that are also Bengal breeders and look forward to helping them through their births. Our daughter Katey also brought back a pregnant snow girl from them and i know she is looking forward to seeing the birth of these gorgeous kittens. so keep looking on our site for these stunning kittens when they are born - we will post photos of them and although they won't be our prefix we will still love them nevertheless.


08 March 2011

Esmerelda - 08 march '11

Another night with little sleep but all work it.
After Esmeralda's first litter we debated if we should let her have another litter but we are so pleased we did.

With her first litter she suffered bruising to her nerves which caused her to be unable to urinate without us expressing her bladder. we had to carry her about and look after her and help her look after her kittens. This time she had a slow birth, she took her time and we helped her all we could with massage, and reassuring her continuously.

Esmeralda has 4 wonderful, healthy snow Bengal babies - 3 mink and 1 lynx - last one born 7 March. She kept me up all last night helping her take care of her babies - she kept coming to me to take me to her kittens when they became restless.
Esmeralda has no problems this time.

Sorry to those of you who follow my blog but the nursing and loss of our wonderful Naughty left us somewhat numb, and unable to talk about him whilst he was deteriorating. Everytime i came to write my blog i could only think of Naughty although i didn't wish to share my grief. Its been several weeks since he died and he is buried under our front lawn so we speak to him often as we pass him. He will always be with us and was and is a massive part of our lives at Purebliss.