
29 July 2011

hell of a week!

its been a nightmare of a week:
Esmeralda killed 2 of her female F1 kittens.
Glad Rags had to have a C Section, and we lost all her kittens.
But by far the worst thing was us having to have Danny put down. Danny our Savannah stud had massive renal failure. we've had his one and only huge kidney sent off for analysis to see why - why, why, why!

on the plus side of things our lil girl with the prolapse is doing well, and although she now has a huge anus she is managing to keep things inside so we feel very positive about her future.

also on the plus side is that Esmeralda is looking after her remaining three kittens very well.

and another plus is that Glad rags is doing well after her op.

I'm really looking forward to going to show to spend time with Friends and their gorgeous cats and kittens.
I'm taking Tick Tock - or should i say "Gobby!"

Holiday Home For Cats.

22 July 2011


Lil'un is doing good - she had to be opened up and have it all stitched back into place so she has her belly all stitched up - she also has a stitch in her anus to help prevent it opening up too much - we take this out in a weeks time. Vet says we will know if its been successful if she has kept it all in for a couple of weeks which will give her time to grow.
She wants more cuddles then ever before - but as i see it - if I'm on my computer then we can both enjoy a cuddle.
I'm so relieved she is doing well.
Holiday Home For Cats

20 July 2011

what a day

had a busy morning today with the usual feeding, and cleaning. Then out of the blue comes screams from one of our snow Bengals that we are running on. not sure what is going on at first until we look at her rear end - anal prolapse - a really large one.
Oh my goodness how i hate to cause any discomfort to any of my fury family. I Ring the vet to talk about it whilst Tim goes for some warm water, clean dry towel, gloves, and olive oil.
Our vet confirms what we know to be the correct thing to do. She is so good as she lays in my lap with Tim holding her firm - reassuring her all the time - i gradually push it all back in - once its nearly all in it seems to go in much easier - then finally its done - all back in with hardly any blood at all.
She seems to be so relieved but she is still shaking - she cuddles up into my lap and just keeps looking into my face. I can't bear to place her down, and just sit and cuddle her for a time whilst Tim brings a carrier with a heat pad in to sit her on, and she clings to the heat. She stops shaking and seems to go to sleep - yeah right! as soon as we move to stand up she puts her head back and screams. so down i sit next to her and put my hand in the reassure her again - she closes her eyes and i decide i will sit with her for an hour so i take her into the lounge and we watch a film.
I realise she won't let me out of her site as everytime i try she screams, so i take her into the study and she sits on my lap whilst i go on the computer, and she is curled up on my lap now. Eyes closed, paws tucked under her, all cosy and warm on my lap. Every time i reach down and touch her she replies with a lovely soft purrrrrr. No food for you tonight lady, but she doesn't seem to mind, she just needs some reassurance for now.
I've no idea what will happen tonight but i suspect she will spend the night in bed with me. She is settled and happy, although it seems to have knocked her confidence somewhat.
Tomorrow she will visit the vet with me as i am taking some kittens for castration and vaccinations.