
11 April 2011

Bristol show

Had a fabulous weekend staying with Paul, Theresa and their wonderful family. I travelled down on Friday and after a 5 hour journey spent a lovely evening with them. Saturday - we were all up and out and showing our cats at a wonderful TICA show in Bristol - great to catch up with Friends and see all the stunning cats and kittens being shown. Frankie did extremely well and finalled in all 6 rings - i was very honoured for Frankie to be finalled as 2nd Best SH Cat by Sue in her solo ring. Frankie did even better on Sunday by finalling in all 6 rings - twice as BEST CAT - and also was finalled by Pascal Remy as his 2nd Best Tabby Cat in his tabby congress. Fabulous weekend - very proud of Frankie who now has his BEST CAT final for his supreme title. Home - drove home on Sunday - Tim had done a fabulous job as usual making sure everything runs smoothly at home. Sandy is eating well and feeling much better - turns out she really loves listening to Carpenters music/albums. Jacky www.pureblissbengals.co.uk www.pureblisssavannahs.co.uk

07 April 2011


AM - Vet run this morning first thing with Sandy - vet kept her in on a drip and took bloods. Back to look after the kittens and their mums, and the pregnant Bengals and savannahs. We have to keep a close eye on Ruby, Tia, and Split who are expecting to our new boy Bertie, and also on Alca our female ALC. PM - Prepare 5 chickens and mince them - cook minced chicken in water for the weaning kittens. Prepare the hearts for ALCs and Jim serval for their dinner. Sandy is staying in the vets until tomorrow as its an hour drive and its now too late for me to collect her. taken photos of a couple of Iiusions Savannah kittens - not enough time to take photos of the rest of her litter. Photos taken of some of the kittens reserved and sent to their future families. Dinner - Chip butties and salad tonight courtesy of Tim - he makes lovely home made chips and there isn't time for anything else tonight. Still to do the swabs for DNA testing tonight - Jacky - www.pureblissbengals.co.uk - www.pureblisssavannahs.co.uk

01 April 2011


Friday - First jobs of the morning are checking on the pregnant girls, then feed the weaning kittens and their mum, then feed all the lactating queens whose kitten aren't old enough to wean. Vet Visit - I hardly started on my jobs before Tim came running in - one of our much loved regular boarding cats wasn't his normal self. I rang our boarder's owner's vet to let them know i was on my way in with their patient whilst Tim took out a hot water bottle and carrier to put him in for his journey. Tim took over checking my pregnant girls and lactating queens as well as his checks on all our boarders whilst i went to the vets. He had another incident whilst at the vets being checked over and so they kept him in to be put on a drip and check him over to see what they could find. He had eaten his wet supper the previous night, but hadn't touched his dry that is left over night for him to graze on, nor had he touched his water. Rest of the day - Back from the vet and finish feeding the kittens and their mums. Then answer a few emails, and update some of the information on site. Put the kettle on and ring the vet - too early for them to tell me much yet so i will give them a couple more hours. Evening - vet decided to keep the boy in and keep him on a drip. Jacky