
16 November 2010

Navahoe update - 16th November

Had a great weekend at the Elsacar TICA show with Frankie - he loved it.

We had some food donations for Navahoe after Gill Heaton (sat) and Val Davidson (sun) kindly took the microphone and put out an appeal - my thanks to gill and val who both did a great job.
we had some promises of food to be taken to the next TICA show - I'll collect them there.
anyone wishing to make any donations of food or litter to help with Navahoes keep please give give them to me (Jacky bliss) at any TICA show this year - ask the show manager where to find me.

Dr Katey Bliss-Brown of DC Diagnostics kindly screened him negative FREE OF CHARGE for parasites such as isospra, tf, giardia, worms. Dr Katey Bliss-Brown has also offered to carry out a nasal swab FREE OF CHARGE.

Navahoe is enjoying life, and is using his legs more and more. His nickname seems to be "dustbin" as he will eat whatever you put in front of him - dry or wet.

Holiday Home For Cats

10 November 2010

Navahoe update

Yesterday (9 November)
Navahoe had his first hour in our garden - he may not stretch his back legs out properly but my goodness he can move fast when he wants to.
Navahoe really enjoyed himself trying to outwit Tim, and it was a pleasure seeing Navahoe search around the area - he loved the chickens and was drawn to them most of the time. We did manage to get him to play with some twigs for a few minutes but he preferred being with the chickens. Tim then scooped him up in his arms and Navahoe went back to his pen and straight to his biscuit, then to bed for a rest.

Navahoe is a lovely boy who just sits there when you hold him in your arms for a cuddle - at no time has this boy shown any aggresion to anyone or anything.
Holiday Home For Cats

07 November 2010

Navahoe update - 7/11/10

Sunday 7th November '10
Navahoe is gaining confidence in us and now comes running out to see us every chance he gets. yes, he has problems with his back legs but with help, massage, and time, he will gain strength in his good legs, then we can turn some of the flab into muscle.

Navahoe shows his happiness with his gentle nudging, and purring when he comes for his cuddles. He's also starting to groom himself which is a good sign, although we will continue to comb/brush him out as he enjoys the attention.

Navahoe deserves a chance at the happiness he can have as a pet.
Holiday Home For Cats

November 7th

Sunday 7th November
Last night was the night for fireworks - Tim did regular checks but the fireworks had all but stopped by midnight.

6.04pm - fireworks have started again - hopefully they will have stopped by midnight again.

Tim has just got back from checking all the cats and everyone seems happy.

06 November 2010

November 6th

It rained last night here so that meant we didn't hear fireworks once it started to rain and we could go to bed knowing the cats were happy and content.

It's a clear bright day today - maybe that means we will have good weather tonight for the bonfires and fireworks. I don't want to stop people having fun at a properly run bonfire party - i hope everyone at carefully run bonfire events have a wonderful night tonight. Although i wish we didn't have to spend all night tonight and any other night this week checking on cats and kittens in our care and worrying about what adults and children are going to do with their fireworks.
Holiday Home For Cats

05 November 2010

Bonfire Night

Another Bonfire Night - yuk!
Like many breeders and pet owners we hate and dread November 5th - we have a long night ahead of us - checking all the cats boarding with us as well as our own cats.
some take it in their stride whilst others are terrified.
we have some children in the fields behind us enjoying throwing bangers about - do they have any idea how much fear they cause or do they even care!
On the other side of us we have people having fun with fireworks - well away from their own house for safety - so that means nearer our garden and cats.
Fingers crossed our pregnant girls will survive the night!

Navahoe update

your heart goes out to this boy! He always comes forward from his bedroom for his breakfast but this morning he was struggling - he couldn't get his back legs out of his bed so he just kept coming, dragging his bed along with him - his bed didn't fit through the cat flap but he still kept trying.
Tim sorted him out and Navahoe enjoyed some attention being paid him - this boy just loves a cuddle/tickle/scratch.
Navahoe still doesn't use his good back leg as the muscles will take a long time to build up, but he keeps trying to stand on it to get a better view.
He is having L-lysine on his food daily and eats it no problem along with his prescribed medication.