
12 March 2012

12 march pm

We still had to be up and out for 8am - feeding and cleaning, and generally looking after cats, and kittens in the boarding cattery, as well as our own cats, and kittens. Flaunt-it has buried one of her lynx babies under her bedding - he is cold and flat but still breathing although he is gasping somewhat.
I spent the morning rubbing and drizzling Cimicat milk into his mouth. First he just laid there and didn't care what i did to him. then he started to push me away as i was trying to get watery milk into him. then he started to lay on his tummy on the heated bed instead of just laying on his side when i put him down. Then he started to suck on his milk - i was thrilled.

we decided that although kitty's kittens weren't completely weaned they were close enough for me to finish off weaning her kittens for her, and present her with this kitten. So i took away her kittens, all they wanted to do was give me a cuddle so they didn't mind too much, although kitty wasn't too keen. I then went and found the fattest of Flaunt-it's girls and took her to kitty. i put Kitty's kittens scent onto Flaunt-it's girl and gave it to Kitty. She was confused but liked the smell of her new kitten. Tim changed all the bedding, litter trays, and water, and food dishes to minimise the smell of her own kittens. In no time at all she was cleaning and tucking up around her new kitten, so we did the same with the struggling kitten from Flaunt-it. Kitty now has 2 new snow kittens to look after and she seems to be doing a fine job of it - time will tell. I will continue to top these two kittens up for a couple of days if necessary.
holiday home for cats.


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